Liz Cunningham´s
The tree that turned into a little girl

The tree that turned into a girl
This children´s book supports the parents to teach their children the importance of Mother Nature ́s well being, especially the well being of the trees. It's about a tree that turned into a little girl.
This powerful message in this book is such a delightful addition to have in your family. We all can be inspired by Greena to take care of Mother Nature.
Liz Cunningham
illustrated by Alison Thiel

Everything Greena is about connecting all people of all ages through love. To respect and connect with nature. And to grow together and find ways to heal, teach and share ideas to make this planet a better place for humanity.
Liz Cunningham loves trees and her goal is to have her own tree organization which would include planting trees and cleaning the earth.
She also loves music, natural stones, books, and crystals.

Originally from New Jersey, Liz Cunningham made a name for herself in the European music industry. She appeared in various musicals and worked as a singer, composer and producer for several studio productions.
With this book she starts her humanitarian project "Everything Greena", which is dedicated to saving the environment and teaching children to treat nature with respect.
In the Greena book children have the opportunity to create a list or draw pictures of how the world could be more beautiful. Don´t hesitate to download this sheet here in english or in german.